Today I am very sad. Why? Well let me tell you .....
The 2 pictures above are of the best chocolate bar in the world (IMHO). To those that don't know, this is a Cadburys“Crunchie”, and it is milk chocolate wrapped around a hard, crunchy, bubbly, honeycomb filling. These are not readily available in the US; not even in the Irish section of the supermarket.
I was browsing through Amazon a few weeks ago and what do I see in their inventory of food items but a pack of 12 Crunchies! Because I had a birthday coming up , I added them to my wishlist. This was quickly spotted and ordered as a gift to me by Helen, my cousin-in-law and fellow chocolate-lover. Before I could say “Hershey’s chocolate smells of vomit”, a pack of 12 Crunchies appeared in my mailbox. So far so good, I hear you say....
However, after carefully rationing them out to myself (and children) over the past week, I screwed up yesterday and ate 3 in a row. That’s why I’m sad. Do you know how many hours I am going to have to do on the elliptical to get rid of those calories! And to top it all, I now don't have many left in the fridge, two to be exact.
There’s only one thing I can do, and that is to order more. If I get used to having them in the fridge all the time, then I won’t be craving them all the time.
By the way, for the Brits abroad, Amazon also sells Turkish Delights, real Mars Bars, Cadbury Flakes, Treacle pudding, and PG Tips Teabags, all of which are difficult to find in the US. Lifesavers, that’s what they are!! Now if they would only stock Tunnock’s teacakes, I’d be as happy as a kid in a candy shop.
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