Just back from a 2 day leadership team forum in Texas. It was pretty good, with lots of networking opportunities and some interesting speakers. One was quite unusual. His name is Erik Wahl, and as stated in his Bio, he is a "recognized artist and speaker who inspires corporations to achieve greater levels of performance. His consulting firm specializes in the psychology of success and challenging organizations to implement breakthrough thinking to gain extraordinary results". At certain points during his speech he plays a music video and paints, using his fingers or a brush. His paintings are on black canvas, basically just picking out the highlights and letting the canvas create the shadows. He did three during his 1 hour talk, Einstein, the Statue of liberty and Michael Jordon. They were pretty amazing and 3 lucky people were given them at the end. He played an excellent music video while painting the Statue of Liberty. I must be the only person who had not seen this and heard the song before,the accompanying video was the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the song was used as a fundraiser for the victims. So while everyone else in the audience were making notes about creativity leading to increased performance, my little note book said "The saints are coming, U2/Green Day" !!
Here's the video and song from YouTube:
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