An American couple we work with have just returned to work after spending a year working in the UK, for the British arm of our company. I was chatting to the husband (Larry) and it was fascinating to compare notes on what its like to be a visitor in a strange country, and relate it to how I felt when I arrived in the US 12 years ago. He stayed just outside of London and he loved it. His young son is now addicted to Beans on Toast, that great British staple meal that is unheard of in the US, he has a British accent and he tells his dad off when he says pants instead of trousers!! They loved things such as Rountrees fruit pastilles, Muller Rice, Twinings tea, cider, the great British breakfast (eggs, bacon, Cumberland sausage, tomato and mushrooms), and Jamie Oliver cookbooks (OK, I suppose I can't agree with his taste on everything!). He found it pretty easy to get used to driving on the other side of the road, and manoevering through roundabouts. He also said that, however annoyed a Brit got in work, they stayed polite and never lost their temper. Hmmmmm, not sure about that one....
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