Its field day today at both the Elementary and Middle schools in Shrewsbury. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, its not too hot or buggy. The kids have each been assigned a color that they must wear to identify their team, face and hair paint spray is not allowed much to the kids' disappointment!
On field day the kids play games such as Dodgeball, Catch the flag and pass the sponge, and they have a healthy slice of pizza with cookies for lunch (good energy food...not)
Things haven't changed that much from the school sports day I remember, apart from the games being given more interesting sounding names nowadays (oh, and we never had pizza either :-(
We did the standard competitions such as a regular "running" race, hopping races and relay races. We also did the egg and spoon race, the sack race and the 3 legged race.
The egg and spoon race was always a favorite. Run with an egg balanced on a dessert spoon. First across the line wins. I recall it wasn't a real egg though, but one made out of clay or something to avoid the otherwise inevitable mess...
Sack race - each competitor is resplendant in their mother's best pillowcase. First one to bounce over the line is the winnner
Three-legged race : you compete as pairs, hopefully with your best friend and not with the class geek, side-by-side with one leg from each contestant tied together (preferably the right leg from contestant #1 and the left leg from contestant #2 - this was not a time to get your left and rights mixed up :-). First pair across the line win the race.
I think we should have a field day in work. Could be a good team building exercise; Maybe I'll suggest it...
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