Last night we went to see a concert at Robert's school consisting of chorus and band. Rob was in the chorus, although you'd hardly know it - he was hiding amongst a mass of 70 sixth graders. The chorus was quite pleasant to listen to, apart from a strange piece which was basically trying to state the 'Preamble" in time to some music. (To those non-Americans, the Preamble is a brief introductory statement to the US Constitution, to describe the fundamental purposes and guiding principles which the Constitution is meant to serve). But once they sung the more light-hearted stuff, it was quite enjoyable, although "High School Musical" it was not....
The band however, was a different kettle of fish altogether. The kids tried hard and are obviously only just beginners, but truthfully, with "mommy hat" taken off my head, I have to admit that they were pretty bad! It was not helped by the sombre, heavy choice of music, but unfortunately they did sound better when they were tuning up than when they performed (awwww, bless 'em). It was amusing to see the teacher who obviously had aspirations to conduct the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra but quite frankly, he was fighting a losing battle. It was all I could do to keep a straight face....
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