Sunday, December 12, 2010

Come rain or shine.....or snow, or fog, or ice.....

Getting ready for a visit to the home country, and trying to decide what to pack. It used to be so easy. If you visited in the winter you'd pack an umbrella and boots. And if you visited in the summer you'd pack an umbrella and sandals...

 But what has been happening with the British weather? This year they have had sub-zero temperatures and feet of snow, before we've seen so much as one flake of the white stuff! Its given me a dilemma about what to pack. The umbrella is a given, that will be packed without question. But the coat remains a problem. If I pack a a raincoat its probably not going to be warm enough. If I pack a New England style warm coat it may revert to a standard British winter and I will be sweltering. What to do! Why can't it be more like the weather here? There is a saying in New England that goes something like "if you don't like the weather in New England then wait a minute because it will change", implying that the weather here is unpredictable. Frankly that's a lots of old codswallop (in my humble opinion). Its pretty predictable - in summer its too hot and in winter its too cold! Nothing ambiguous about that!

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