Spent a few days in Tucson, Arizona last week. Needless to say, it was pretty hot (108 degrees F!), with beautiful clear blue sky. I was amazed at how much green there was - I tended to think of it being all desert-like and brown, and its true you don't see much in the way of grass around. But there are many trees (mainly Mesquite) that are very green this time of year and an abundance of cacti of varying shapes and sizes, all providing a bit of green. I stayed in the North of the city in the Catalina Foothills area which was very beautiful.
I was a bit freaked out when I read about the local "critters" though. Black widow spiders, tarantulas, wildcats, scorpions, rattlesnakes. The list was endless. Everyone I spoke to said they were not a problem, you just had to be careful if you were out hiking in the desert at dusk...hmmm. I am not so convinced. I've attached a few pics of the beautiful, and the not so beautiful, aspects of Tucson.
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